Thursday, October 25, 2012

These Cruzerlite Plushies are awesome, and we're giving one away


I am an Android nerd. I love little Android toys, figures, t-shirts, you name it. If it has Android on it, in it, or around it I'm all over it. I work all day in an office with no Xbox, why not fill it with cool toys, right? RIGHT?!?

Now I've got some new ones to collect, as the new Cruiserlite Android plushies are available from ShopAndroid. Super heros, pirates, even Big Android BBQs are well represented, and there's no way I can know that these are available and not have them. ALL of them.

I imagine I'm not alone, Slide those Bucky Balls over to the side, and make room for these jewels. We're giving one away at random in the comments, but you can also grab one (or all) of these 8-inch tall rascals at ShopAndroid for $19.95. Just keep them away from your dog!

Here's where you win one. Just comment below, and somewhere around midnight PT I'll pick a comment at random. I'm going to have to send you email through the site to find out where to send it, so make sure you have real details filled out on your user page. Just click your name in the upper right if you need to adjust anything, 

Good luck!

Update: Congrats nickrouwhorst! A random comment is you. Be sure to check your e-mail.




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