Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Apple delays iTunes 11 refresh until the end of November

Apple delays iTunes 11 refresh until the end of NovemberDisappointing news today for those eagerly awaiting the promised October launch of iTunes 11. Apple has just announced that it has had to delay its release until the end of November. Apple talked about the iTunes 11 refresh back in September at the iPhone 5 media event and said that it would be out by the end of October. All Things D has received a statement from Apple spokesperson Tom Neumayr.

The new iTunes is taking longer than expected and we wanted to take a little extra time to get it right. We look forward to releasing this new version of iTunes with its dramatically simpler and cleaner interface, and seamless integration with iCloud before the end of November.

Very disappointing news but it is better that Apple delayed it now rather than releasing a version that would prove to be buggy and problematic; Apple doesn't need any more bad press in this regard. Delaying it for a month to iron out these problems is certainly the sensible route to take. It's doubtful that the delay has anything to do with the managerial changes which were announced yesterday especially as Scott Forstall had very little to do with iTunes; Eddy Cue is the man in charge of that.The refresh of iTunes includes a cleaner design, much needed performance improvements, better iCloud integration, enhanced library search and a redesigned mini-player.

Were you looking forward to getting your hands on the refreshed iTunes 11 this week?

Source:All Things D

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/8HuUTXWILN0/story01.htm


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