Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Angry Birds Star Wars to take on the Kessel Run?

Love or hate Angry Birds, the Star Wars nerds among us have to be looking forward to seeing what the tie up between the two brings to the table. We know it's coming, we know when it's coming to be precise, but we're still a little in the dark as to what the gameplay will entail. 

It'll likely be the Angry Birds style of gameplay we've all become oh so accustomed to over the years, but it's how the Star Wars world integrates into this that intrigues us. This latest trailer gives us perhaps a little clue. After Han Solo is done talking up the Millennium Falcon, what's that we see? A catapult adorned on the top of the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs? Interesting. 

Source: Rovio (YouTube)



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