Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Loren Brichter talks about his new game, Letterpress for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

You're Loren Brichter. You worked at Apple on the original iPhone. You created Tweetie for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, including the now ubiquitous "pull to refresh" gesture, and sliding panels that first showed off what tablet software could do. You're relaunching your company, Atebits, and getting back into indie iOS development. What do you do?

Release a game, of course. But not just any game. You take the word-style games you love, make them two-player, add animations that would delight Pixar, and introduce a strategy that elevates it to something close to Tower Defense for word finder, and then you unleash it with full on Game Center support as universal app for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. And you call it Letterpress.

I had the chance to talk to Loren briefly about why he zagged into game development rather than sticking with the zig that is utility apps, where the idea came from, how the mechanics evolved, how he managed to hide the tinted status bar, and even some of his ideas about where Letterpress might go next. (Spoiler: In-game trash talking. You're welcome.)

It's an audio-only interview but I put it up on YouTube because a) that's what I'm used to and b) it let me add a little bit of gameplay video on top so you could see what we're talking about even though c) I assume you've downloaded the app already because d) it's free.

Enjoy. Now back to playing...

(If you haven't read our Letterpress review yet, go do that now.)



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