Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Comscore: Modest growth for Android and iOS in June, Samsung still top manufacturer

Android Central

Analytics firm Comscore has just released its latest stats covering the U.S. smartphone market for the quarter ending in June 2012. Overall, the picture hasn't changed much since they released their last set of numbers. Samsung is still the largest smartphone manufacturer by market share, and Android still lays claim to a bigger chunk of the market than any other OS.

Apple's share of mobile subscribers grew 1.4 percent at the expense of all Android OEMs but HTC, which grew by 0.4 percent compared to the previous stats. In terms of OS share, Android continues to advance beyond half of the U.S. smartphone market, with a 51.6 percent share compared to 51 percent last time. Apple's growth was a little more aggressive, going from 30.7 percent to 32.4 percent. Lower down the table, RIM, Microsoft and Nokia's Symbian OS continue to slowly bleed market share to the big players.

We'll be interested to see how the numbers pan out for July, as we'd expect a fairly sizeable bump for Samsung and Android on account of the U.S. Galaxy S3 launch.

Source: Comscore



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