Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Goko Shows Its Hand

Startup game company Goko emerged from its 2011 stealth launch on Thursday, officially unveiling its HTML5-based lineup. The company -- which released its software development kits to independent developers interested in publishing and monetizing games for the HTML5 platform -- has held its cards closely but is now revealing its hand. Goko is looking to launch its titles to multiple platforms including Facebook, iOS, Android, Google+, Windows 8 and the Web. In essence, it is playing the "social experience" card, and it looks like it could score big.

Source: http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632000/s/22743dfa/l/0L0Stechnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C759290Bhtml/story01.htm


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