Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NSNorth kicks off in Ottawa on April 19

NSNorth kicks off in Ottawa on April 19

NSNorth is a new iOS and Mac-centric conference taking place in Ottawa, Ontario from April 19-21. Aimed at app creators, it it features a delightful, single session track of industry experts and platform luminaries. It's being run by Dan Byers and Philippe Casgrain of Sparked Insight. Here's the pitch they've posted on NSNorth:

Over the past few years, Apple has revolutionized how people use technology. App developers have access to an exciting ecosystem that continues to grow at an enormous rate. More than ever, we as designers, developers, and business leaders have the tools available to change the world.

Our goal is to bring together experts in a variety of important topics for three days to broaden your horizons, make you think differently, network with fellow devs and designers all while having a great time.

Speakers include Rob Rhyne, Gus Mueller, Justin Miller, Guy English -- yeah, that one, Joe Cieplinski, Luc Vandal, Caroline Sauve, Rick Fillion, Jason Brennan, and Sam Vermette

Canada routinely punches above its weight when it comes to the skills and talents of the Mac and iOS developers living inside its borders. (It's cold, programming and designing keeps the mind busy and fingers warm, you figure it out.) So, it's great to see more Apple-centric conferences popping up on this side of The Wall. Networking leads to new connections, new ideas, and new opportunities.

Registration is open now, so if you're in the area or can get there, check it out. I'm going.

More: NSNorth

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/J6XR9oH6uKM/story01.htm


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