Tim Cook on stage, wrapping up the major announcements of WWDC 2012: New MacBook lineup, Mountain Lion OS X features, and iOS 6 unveiled. Photo: Jon Phillips/Wired
11:53 Hope you had as much fun as we did!
11:53 Cook wishes everyone a good week, and the best conference ever. And that’s it for today’s WWDC keynote announcements, as The Black Keys start blasting.
11:52 Cook says the apps you create can, fundamentally, change the world. “And I can’t think of a better reason, of getting up in the morning.”
11:51 “Only Apple could make such amazing hardware, software and services. We are so proud of these products,” Cook says. “They’re perfect examples of what Apple does best, and ultimately, it’s why people choose to work for Apple, and with Apple — to do the very best work of their lives… To make a difference in the lives of so many people around the world.”
11:51 If there’s a “One More Thing,” I think my hands are going to fall off!
11:50 Back to Tim as the lights rise in the auditorium. “What do you think?” Tim Cook asks. The answer? Enthusiastic applause and cheers. We’re going back over all the new announcements we learned today.
11:50 iOS 6 will ship this fall, support the iPhone 3GS and later, the 2nd and 3rd gen iPad, and the iPod touch. No first generation iPad support.
11:49 Apple is giving out a beta of iOS 6 to developers today.
11:48 For transit apps, Apple realized the best ones are coming from Apple developers, so Apple will integrate, feature and promote your transit app right from within the Maps app in iOS 6. This is an interesting approach.
11:48 There’s all sorts of new APIs, so developers can take advantage of Reminders and Passbook, for example.
11:48 Another new feature: Lost Mode. You can send a phone number to your phone, like your home or spouse’s number, and if someone finds it, they can call that number back and you can retrieve your phone. (Yeah, that’s if the finder isn’t looking to sell it on Ebay).
11:47 “A brand new mapping solution from the ground up in iOS 6. These are just 10 of the over two hundred new features in iOS 6,” Forstall says as he wraps up this portion of the presentation. iTunes and the App Store have been redesigned to make the experience more fluid, he says. They’ve added different signatures in Mail.
11:45 You can click overview to zoom out at any time, or pan around. Tap to resume. The orientation on screen is the same as your actual orientation, so there’s no getting lost with North, South, rights, or lefts.
11:45 Turn by turn navigation seems more useful though, and we’re getting a demo of that now. When turns are close together, both signs are put up so you don’t miss the second one. The footprint of the onscreen buildings is accurate.
11:44 You can change the camera angle in Flyover. Now, we’re checking out the Sydney Opera House. It looks stunning for checking out world landmarks, and could be useful in navigating to a location in a big city.
11:43 You can zoom in and out, get an info card on a location like the MOMA, and zoom in on 3D maps to see what the building looks like in a 3D model. The buildings are a dark tan, the roadways are a lighter tan. Parks are a grassy light green. You can also switch to a satellite view. And now, a demo of flyover over the Transamerica Pyramid — a smooth transition from an over the top view, to an angled, 360-degree side view so you can see every side of the building.
11:42 The new Maps app looks great. It has a new feature called Flyover — Apple has been flying over major metropolitan areas and building up a 3D photographic model of these places. It looks great on the iPhone and iPad’s Retina displays.
11:41 When you find a place you want to go, click quick route, and as you’re going, the app monitors the traffic, gives you your ETA (which updates in real time and can provide alternate faster routes when available). This works from the lock screen as well, so you don’t need to go to the Maps app to see it. It’s also integrated with Siri, so if you ask Siri to take you somewhere, you’re on your way. You can also ask questions along your route, like “Where are the nearest gas stations?” and “Are we there yet?” Siri responds to that, too.
11:39 Part of Maps is local search. Apple has ingested over 100 Million business listings for local search. There’s Yelp integration, too. Apple is also building a traffic service so you can see where accidents or slow traffic is, with accidents overlaid on the roads. Apple is using anonymous real-time crowd sourced traffic data from iOS users to keep this information up to date (uh oh, look out Waze). Apple is also integrating turn-by-turn navigation.
11:38 And now, Maps. The icon has been updated. In iOS 6, they’ve built a new mapping system from the ground up. They did the cartography themselves. It looks sleek. We’re looking at Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, New York, Singapore, Norway, Paris.
11:38 This goes beyond autism though — schools that have adopted iPads can use this for tests, letting the teacher lock the iPad so the student can’t go look up the answers in Safari. This is also great for museums who use the iPad for tours. That’s Guided Access.
11:36 Next, an app called Guided Access. Apple tries to make accessible devices for all of its customers, Forstall says. We’ve been surprised by the number of children with autism that have been flocking to our devices. There are a lot of apps designed specifically for children with autism. Guided access allows you to circle other onscreen controls and disable them, so a child can use the app without hitting those other controls. The home button is also disabled, so autistic children can learn independently on their iPad.
11:36 When you get to one of the locations you have cards for, like Starbucks, you get a notification that it’s nearby so you can use it. If you’re flight gets delayed, your boarding pass gets updated right in the app and you get a notification.
11:34 You can collect tickets for Fandango, Giants games, Starbucks — it shows the balance on the Starbucks card. A store card for the Apple Store, boarding passes for Amtrack, United Airlines — if there are multiple tickets, they’re grouped together. A coupon for Target. When you delete a card, it’s shredded onscreen. Haha, very clever Apple.
11:33 Now a new app called Passbook. The simplest way to get all of your passes in one place. Tickets, boarding passes… Think United Airlines, Starbucks, and movie ticket apps. These are great, but you have to fumble around to find the app, then the ticket within the app. Passbook combines these together in one place and integrates it right into the OS — Fandango movie tickets, for example. It also integrates with the lock screen, so when you get to the movie theater, a notification for the pass pops up on the lock screen. This is welcomed with a lot of applause. Demo time!
11:31 Mail enhancements: VIPs. You can mark someone as a VIP, which lets you get a notification right on the lock screen as soon as they email you. They have a star next to their name, and their messages appear in a VIP mail box. There’s also a Flagged mail box that has been added to Mail. You can also add photos and video easily right from the compose window, and you can open password-protected Office docs right on your iOS device. You can also pull to refresh your messages.
11:30 Shared Photo streams go to your Mac with iPhoto and Aperture, and can be viewed in a web browser on Windows, and can be viewed on a TV with Apple TV. That’s Photo Stream.
11:30 Also adding full screen support in landscape to take advantage of the Retina Display (in Safari). And now, Photo Stream, a free iCloud feature to get photos on all of your iOS and Mac devices. In iOS 6, shared Photo Streams are being added. Shared Photo Streams let you share photos with your friends. Choose photos you want to share, choose the friends you want to share them with, and that’s it. They get a push notification with the photos, the photos appear in an album in the Photos app, and you can all comment on the photos.
11:29 Smart app banners are also being added to Safari. If someone goes to your website, Safari can put up a banner showing them that you’ve got an app in the App Store you can download. Tapping the banner takes you straight to the app in the App Store. The website can even tell the app what the person was doing so they can pick up in the app right where they left off.
11:28 Next up, Safari, the most popular web browser on the planet. iCloud Tabs, which was mentioned earlier, is being added to Safari. Offline reading list is also being added. iOS 5 added reading lists, so you can save stories to read later. Now when you add it, it’ll download and cache the story so you can read it later even if you don’t have internet connectivity. You can also upload photos right from Safari to your favorite websites.
11:27 Also, they’re unifying your phone number and your Apple ID, so if someone calls you on your phone number with a FaceTime call, you can answer on your iPad or Mac. They’re doing the same thing with iMessage — you can receive and reply on iPad or Mac as well.
11:27 Now, FaceTime, Apple’s video conferencing service that currently only works over WiFi. Now, FaceTime will be available over cellular networks.
11:25 If someone really wants to get a hold of you and calls you back within three minutes, you can set it so the second call will come through — great in the case of an actual emergency.
11:25 Next up, Do Not Disturb, a much requested feature of iOS 6 for those of us who’ve been woken up by unwanted texts or calls in the middle of the night, for example. Do Not Disturb holds those messages, so your phone doesn’t light up or anything when they arrive. You also get fine grain control over what phone calls you receive: No phone calls at all, or just from your favorites, or a group you create from your contacts lists.
11:24 Next, enhancements to the Phone app. In iOS 6, there’s a new control of the right hand side of the incoming call that gives you two new options: reply with a message, or remind me later, if you’re unable to take the call right then. If you choose reply with message, tap a button to send one of three preset messages, or a custom one. Remind me later will remind you in an hour, when you leave, when you get home, or when you get to work, depending on which button you select.
11:23 But we didn’t stop there, Forstall says. It’s also integrated with the App Store so you can like apps and see what apps your friends like. You can do this with iTunes Store too, for music, TV shows and movies. Facebook events and birthdays will also be added to your calendars. I believe contacts will also be added to your address book.
11:22 And it’s integrated with Notification Center. Twitter has also been added right into Notification Center. Facebook is also integrated with Siri. This deep integration is a public API, so App Store apps can integrate with Facebook.
11:22 Next: Facebook integration! Apple has been working with Facebook on this. You just log in, and you can easily post to Facebook from many apps — from Photos, Safari, Maps, your own app. You can talk about movies, TV shows, from the iTunes Store, talk smack from the Game Center.
11:21 Local search is going global too, previously it was US only. And for the first time, Siri is going beyond thd iPhone 4S and is coming to the new iPad.
11:20 Siri is also going international. In iOS 6, English and French for Canada (eh? Forstall says to chuckles) and Spanish for Spain, Mexico, and the US. They’re also adding Italian. For Switzerland, Italian, French and German. Also adding Korean, and different dialects of Mandarin and Cantonese.
11:18 Now, Apple is working with car manufacturers to integrate a button on the steering wheel so you can operate Siri. You can keep your eyes on the road and operate Siri. Over nine car manufacturers have pledged to this integration within the next 12 months, including BMC GM, Land Rover, MErcedes, Audi, and Toyota.
11:18 These are just a few of the things Siri has learned in iOS 6, Forstall says. You can also tweet from Siri and listen to notifications. There’s also a new thing called “Eyes Free.” We’ve heard of hands free, so you can keep your hands on the steering wheel and still operate a phone.
11:17 You can also ask questions about directors or actors — “Show me movies starring Scarlett Johansson.” Siri can also launch apps. If you have hundreds of apps on your phone, this will be very convenient. Forstall says “Play Temple Run,” and the app loads up, just like that.
11:16 Siri also has become a movie buff, Forstall says. You can ask, “What movies are playing at the Metreon?” Siri says she found eight movies playing at the Metreon. You can choose one, get details like the titled, ratings, reviews, and poster images, powered by Rotten Tomatoes. You can also watch a trailer all from inside Siri. We’re looking at a trailer for the Avengers, which I still haven’t seen yet. Was it good?
11:15 Siri has also learned a lot more about restaurants. He asks, “Find a great place for dinner,” and she comes up with 15 restaurants nearby, sorted by rating. You get more information, average price of menu items, the type of restaurant. You can pick a restaurant to get more information and see reviews from within Siri. This is powered by Yelp. Apple has also partnered with OpenTable so you can make reservations super easily. It takes you to the OpenTable app to make reservations.
11:15 Forstall asks when the 49ers’ first game of the season is — it’s 9.9 at 1:15 pm.
11:14 You can also ask about National League standings. Siri knows about baseball and basketball. You can ask “Who’s taller, Lebron or Koby?” Siri says “LeBron James appears to be slightly taller.” He’s 6’8, Kobe is 6’6.
11:13 Siri’s been out for 8 months. And in that time, she’s been learning all about sports. You can ask her “What was the score of the last Giants game,” and she tells you the final score — “The Giants were downed by the Rangers yesterday; the final score was 5 to 0.” You can also ask about individual players — “What is Buster Posey’s batting average?” The answer is .290.
11:12 This year, Forstall is announcing iOS 6. The icon has a silvery white six on a blue background. It’s starting with enhancements to Siri (it’s about time!).
11:11 Now Game Center. There are over 130 million people using it, submitting 5 billion scores each week, and 67 of the top 100 games integrate with Game Center. More than 75 percent of customers said they were very satisfied with iOS, compared to under 50% for the competition — Android.
11:11 Twitter: They’ve seen 3x the grown since it was integrated in iOS 5. They’ve sent over 10 billion tweets from iOS 5 and nearly half of all photos shared with Twitter’s photo sharing service comes from iOS 5.
11:10 A roundup of iOS features: 84 of the top 100 social apps are pushing notifications, we’re sending 7 billion push notifications per day, Forstall says. And more than 1.5 trillion push notifications have been sent already. With iMessage, there are over 140 million users, sending over 150 billion messages — more than 1 billion messages per day.
11:09 “Let’s talk about iOS,” Forstall says. “I find it incredible that we’ve already sold more than 365 million iOS devices through the end of March.” And more than 80% of the install base are running the latest version of iOS, iOS 5. Oh boy, here comes the Android jab. Ouch, over 75% of Android devices still run 2.3. Only 7% of Android customers are running the latest version 4.0.
11:08 That’s Mountain Lion. Now onto iOS with Scott Forstall.
11:07 There are over 1700 new APIs for Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion will be available to customers via the Mac App Store starting next month. And the price: Merely $19.99. The price will update all of your personal Macs. WWDC devs get access to a near final developer preview today.
11:05 In addition to these major features to Mountain Lion, there are over 200 other features, like Gatekeeper, an offline reading list, Launchpad search, mail VIPs, and features for China, which Federighi is highlighting for a moment. They’ll be providing a new Chinese dictionary, 8 new fonts, support for Baidu as an optional search provider. They’re also making it easy to set up with Chinese email services.
11:04 CSR Racing is the game they’ll be playing. It was originally an iOS title, but it’ll be available for iOS and Mac this summer. The race begins! They’re streaming it over AirPlay. Looks fun, I love racing games. Federighi loses to The Stig, I mean, Mr. X.
11:04 He’s going to bring a friend up on stage, THE STIG! It’s The Stig! To play a racing game. His name is Mr. X, but we know it’s The Stig.
11:03 On Airplay you can do anything you’d normally do on your Mac, like go to Game Center. Federighi’s name is “Hair Force One,” which garners a lot of lulz from the crowd.
11:02 Finally, Game Center. The Mac App Store has opened up a renaissance of gaming on the Mac, Federighi says. Now you can track achievements, games, and more (iOS and OS X) with Game Center on the Mac. It supports Mac to Mac and cross platform iOS to Mac games through AirPlay. Now we’re seeing a demo of AirPlay and Game Center.
11:01 Airplay Mirroring is up next. It’s the easiest way to get what’s on your Mac onto a projector or television, Federighi says. You can mirror content up to 1080p resolution. It’s great for the classroom, meeting room, living room. It also supports sending audio to AirPlay-enabled speakers. That’s Airplay.
11:00 With Power Nap, it keeps your Mac up to date while it sleeps, fetching your email, keeping track of calendar and reminder updates, and fetches your photo stream. It’ll also back itself up to your Time Capsule, and download App Store and system updates automatically. This sounds like a good feature to prevent those pesky viruses and trojans from infecting thousands or millions of Macs.
10:59 Now a new technology in OS X called Power Nap. I like it already.
10:59 If you want to tweet at any time, go into Notification Center, summon a Tweet Sheet, and heck, even use dictation to enter a tweet. Federighi says “Having a great time showing off Mountain Lion at WWDC” and there it is.
10:57 When you’re in a full-screen app, the notification shows up on top of the screen you’re on, and then leaves. You can swipe to get at your notifications from the side of your trackpad, and then switch out to the Messages app, for example.
10:56 Looks like an easy way to browse through all your open tabs. Sounds like a godsend for us tab hogs.
10:56 Scrolling is smooth and lightning fast, Federighi says of the Safari browser. Lion has a feature that lets you use Multitouch gestures to zoom in on a web page. In Mountain Lion, if you zoom even further out, you’re pulled to the tab view, which gives you a live view across all of your tabs. You can use Multitouch gestures to scroll through them.
10:55 Tab View is another new feature. It lets you use gestures to visually navigate your tabs. Now a demo.
10:54 Now onto Safari. It has a new unified smart search field, like in Google Chrome. Finally! It’ll offer search suggestions, and look through your bookmarks and browsing history. Now, Safari has iCloud Tabs. If you click the Cloud button, you can look at all the pages you have open across all of your devices, including mobile devices.
10:54 Support for sharing, like through Twitter, is built into the OS. Looks like no Facebook integration in Mountain Lion.
10:53 Sharing: In Mountain Lion, you can share from within an app using the share button. It shows all of your sharing options in a drop down menu, click an option, and with a loud whistle sound (wow that was loud), it’s sent away.
10:52 Now Dictation, Apple is bringing dictation to the Mac. Everywhere you can type, you can now talk. It’s built into the system. You can talk into a web page, or third party applications like Microsoft Word, he says.
10:51 Next, Notification Center. It’s based on a system of banners and alerts. Banners slide down from the top of the screen in the right hand corner. Ignore them, and they slide out of the way. A two finger swipe from the side of the trackpad will bring them back up. When you’re done, slide it on back. Alerts come in the same way, but stay around until you explicitly dismiss them. Notification Center lets you temporarily silence all these notifications and alerts.
10:50 Now we’re looking at a poster being created in Pages. It’s available on either the Mac or the phone, you can view and edit such a document in both places. The other device will update automatically when a change is made.
10:49 You can send attachments up to 100 Mb in size, as well as HD video, in iMessage.
10:48 You can use Multitouch gestures to page between reminders. You can also get location based notifications. Mountain Lion also has a Notes app, which supports images and links. You can open notes in separate windows for easy access. But the biggest, Federighi says, is Messages. All of the conversations you have are up to date, so it’s easy to respond to or create a new conversation from your phone or Mac.
10:47 And now a quick demo of iCloud. There’s a new desktop image of a spiraling galaxy. There are new items on the dock including the Reminders app.
10:47 An app like Pages comes up with a document library when you open it, organized chronologically. These document libraries are available across all Macs and iOS devices. That’s Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, as well as Preview and Text Edit.
10:45 Right when you sign in with your Apple ID, your iCloud syncs your content across all of your devices. Mountain Lion introduced three new apps optimized for iCloud: Messages, Reminders and Notes. For document integration, there’s Documents in the Cloud.
10:45 Now, they’re announcing Mountain Lion. We’re looking at 8 major new features. First, iCloud.
10:44 This is the 8th major release of OS X. There are 66 million Mac users, triple the number of five years ago. The latest release was Lion, the first to be distributed electronically. There have been 26 million copies shipped to date, making it Apple’s best selling release ever. 40% of OS X users are running Lion, which was achieved in just 9 months. Windows 7 took 27 month to reach that number.
10:43 Next up, OS X with Craig Federighi.
10:43 It’s eco-friendly too: Energy Star 5.2, arsenic free, mercury-free glass, and meets a number of other eco standards. It’s available today! And that’s it for the MacBook lineup announcements.
10:42 Phil Schiller is back up onstage. The next MacBook Pro with Retina display has a 15.4 inch display, 2.3 Ghz quad core i7, weighs 4.46 lbs, and starts at $2199.
10:41 Craig Federighi is now on the video talking about the new OS X apps like Final Cut Pro 10, showing how you can view 1080p video in the project video or stream 9 videos at the same time.
10:40 The fan of the new MacBook Pro has been redesigned, as have the vents, which are part of the structural system and help the rigidity of the product.
10:39 I could listen to Jony Ive talk all day.
10:38 It’s built for extreme levels of performance but is also exteremely portable, Ive says in the video. They built the layers of the display into the unibody to eliminate the need for a separate cover glass. There are many design innovations the users won’t see, Ive says, but they’ll experience.
10:37 The new MacBook Pro has two Thunderbolt ports, if that wasn’t clear before.
10:36 Jony Ive is talking about “starting again” to design this product. “When you really need to change things, you open up a whole new world of design,” a Bob Mansfield says in the video.
10:35 It’s got a glass multitouch trackpad, a backlit keyboard, 802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, a FaceTime HD camera and dual mics. It’s got stereo speakers, too. And now, a video showing off this beauty.
10:34 Schiller is showing a few products that can connect through Thunderbolt: a hard drive, a new camera. There’s legacy technology too, it can be supported using a FireWire 800 adapter and gigabit ethernet adapter.
10:34 And the battery life? Up to 7 hours, with 30 days of standby time. Now, a side view to check out the ports. You’ve still got an SD slot, now there’s an HDMI slot, the USB 2/3 port, and a headphone jack. They’ve redesigned the MagSafe port to be thinner, too. Also, there’s a Thunderbolt port.
10:33 It’ll have up to 768 GB of internal flash storage.
10:32 Inside, it’s dominated by a battery pack. We’re looking at an inside view of the notebook. They’re taking advantage of every millimeter of space, he says. Inside, quad-core i7 processors, up to 2.7GHz, with turbo boost up to 3.7 GHz. You can configure it with up to 16 GB of memory. It’ll also have next-gen Kepler architecture graphics from Nvidia.
10:32 “This display makes possible a next generation notebook unlike any other,” Schiller says. Now onto the insides. We’re looking at a picture of the bottom of the device, which looks familiar to current MacBooks.
10:31 Schiller says they’ve been working with key developers to create apps for this amazing display. Examples: Adobe Photoshop. We’re seeing a picture of an eye with turquoise eye makeup around it. Autodesk is also creating a new version of AutoCad to create a version for the new display. And we can’t forget games: Diablo 3 is on screen.
10:30 Final Cut Pro 10 has also been updated. A video taking up a fraction of the screen is 1080p video. You can have up to nine simultaneous screens of pro, high-res video going on at the same time.
10:28 You’ve got the same glossy display, but they’ve reduced glare and reflection by up to 75 percent, Schiller says. And Lion has been updated to take advantage of this display. Apps like Mail, Safari, Aperture (the professional photo application), and more. The whole UI has been updated.
10:28 that’s 5,184,000 pixels. That’s the world’s highest resolution notebook display. I can’t wait to check this out with my own retinas.
10:28 It’s 15.4 inches across, but the pixel density is 2880 x 1800. That’s 4x the number of pixels from the previous generation MacBook Pro display.
10:27 Now the display — it’s a breakthrough in display engineering, he says. It’s a Retina display. This means that the pixels on this are so small that from a normal working distance, your eyes can’t discern those individual pixels.
10:26 The new next generation MacBook Pro is 0.71 inches thin. Next to an existing MacBook Pro, the difference is obvious. It’s dramatically thinner. With the MacBook Air next to it, you can see they’re about the same thickness. It weighs 4.46 pounds, it’s the lightest pro notebook Apple has ever made.
10:26 Schiller holds his finger up to the side of the device, and his finger looks, well, fat in comparison.
10:25 The next gen MacBook Pro is dominated by a new display. It looks crazy thin. Crazy. Thin.
10:25 We’re about to see it…
10:24 “What would make the next generation MacBook Pro?” Schiller asks. He says it’ll have a killer new display. An architecture built for the future. Radically thin and light. And of course, bold and embrace the newest technologies and willing to discard the old legacy things.
10:24 The MacBook Air re-envisioned the consumer notebook, Schiller says. Will this be a new notebook for professionals?
10:23 The new MacBook Pros start shipping today as well. Faster processors, graphics, memory, store, Flash storage, USB 3.0. “Nobody turns over their entire line as quickly and completely as we do at Apple,” Schiller says. “So what’s next?” Ooh, it’s a notebook covered in black cloth onscreen.
10:21 The discrete graphics are getting updated too: GeForce GT 650 M graphics, new Kepler architecture, up to 1Gb of video memory. It’ll get that same USB 2.0/3.0 port. For the 13-inch, it has a 1280×800 display and it starts at $1199. For the 15-inch, it’s got a 1440 x 900 display and starts at $1799.
10:21 On to the Macbook Pro, the quintessential professional notebook, Schiller says. It’ll get: Ivy Bridge processors, 2.7 GHz quad core i7, turbo boost up to 3.7 Ghz, up to 8 GB of 1600 Mhz memory, and 60% faster graphics.
10:20 You can get the new MacBook Airs starting today, folks.
10:20 For the 13-inch MacBook Air, the display is 1440 x 900 resolution, and it starts at $1199.
10:20 Now Schiller is explaining the different specs of the 11-inch MacBook Air. It’ll have a 1366 x 768 display, and it starts at $999.
10:19 The port on the MacBook Air is USB 2.0 and 3.0, it’s not two separate ports. It also has a 720p FaceTime HD camera on the front of the MacBook.
10:18 It’s twice as fast as before, too. The I/O is also faster, Apple is adding USB 3.0. There were rumors about that before today’s announcement, looks like those folks were right!
10:18 The MacBook Air is built entirely around Flash Storage. You can now get up to 512 GB of flash storage in the MacBook Air, Schiller says.
10:17 “We’re going to update it with some really great features and updates, like Intel’s 3rd generation core processors, aka Ivy Bride, with up to 2 GHz dual core i7, turbo boost up to 3.2 GHz, up to 8GB 1600 Mhz memory and up to 60% faster graphics.” Yowza!
10:17 “Everyone is trying to copy it,” Schiller says. “They find it’s not so easy.”
10:16 Onscreen are two MacBook Airs and two MacBook Pros. Schiller says he has updates for both lines of MacBooks. First, the MacBook Air, which has revolutionized the idea of the modern notebook, he says.
10:16 Let’s get right to it he says, and with that Phil Schiller will be stepping on stage to show us the latest in the MacBook lineup.
10:15 Cook says the teams at Apple have been hard at work at new innovations. He says today they are announcing new changes in macbook line up, OS X, and iOS.
10:15 Tim Cook is thanking everyone in the developer community for all of the incredible apps they’ve created.
10:14 “Thank you for giving me my freedom back,” the blind man says at the close of the video. It does tug at your heart strings.
10:13 Now the video has moved onto a child using an iPad app. It’s helping her learn. “Apps have the biggest impact on humanity right now,” the producer of Toca Boca, one of the apps shown in the video, says.
10:07 We’re about to watch a video to check out some of the touching stories apps have made possible. It’s a blind man using an app to guide him, an anatomy app for medical learning, and Airbnb for booking a tree house in Vermont.
10:04 a.m. There have been over 30 billion app downloads, and 5 billion dollars in checks written to developers. Apple is adding additional 32 countries in which you can buy apps, bringing the total to 155 countries where Apple’s App Store is available.
10:05 a.m. There are now over 400 million accounts on the App Store. There are over 650,000 total apps, with 225,000 made for iPad.
10:05 a.m. Time Cook is on stage. He says WWDC is now in its 23rd year and this year, it sold out in an hour and 43 minutes.
10:00 a.m. It’s beginning! Siri is opening the show.
9:56 a.m. Amping it up with an Apple favorite — Coldplay’s Paradise. Should have known this would get some airplay…
9:45 a.m. Last chance for predicting what today’s keynote is going to unveil (other than iOS 6, we know that for sure). Share your guesses in the comments below.
9:41 a.m. We’re sitting in good company — Ars Technica’s Jacqui Cheng, The Loop’s Jim Dalrymple, and The Verge’s Joshua Topolsky are some of the folks sitting within a few seats of us.
9:36 a.m. And we’re in! We’ve got some pop-rock, indie-style beats going on right now.
9:27 a.m. Doors are opening, we should be heading in momentarily!
8:56 a.m. OK guys, what songs do you think Apple has on its playlist for once we get inside the auditorium? My bet is on some Adele.
8:26 a.m. We’re inside the Moscone Center, ready and waiting for the WWDC keynote to begin!
SAN FRANCISCO — Today Apple kicks off its 2012 Worldwide Developers Conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Wired will be live blogging the keynote right here, beginning at 10am Pacific time.
Apple will definitely unveil iOS 6, and probably share the low-down on OS X Mountain Lion. It’s also possible we’ll see a rebooted Apple TV platform and new Mac computers.
Gadget Lab staff writer Christina Bonnington (@redgirlsays) and senior editor Jon Phillips (@JonPhillipsSF) will be at Moscone to cover the action in real-time, while staff writers Roberto Baldwin (@strngwys), Alexandra Chang (@alexandra_chang), and Nathan Olivarez-Giles (@nateog) will provide blogging support from Wired HQ.
Stay tuned and keep refreshing this page for the latest updates from the event.
Source: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/06/gadget-lab-wwdc-2012/
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