Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Apple Products See the Unpolished Side of Chrome

Mac owners have been having more than a few headaches with Google's Chrome browser. Owners of new Macbook Airs have been complaining for several days that their devices have been freezing or crashing when they use the Chrome browser. Google has confirmed to Gizmodo that the problem is a leak of graphics resources in the Chrome browser related to the drawing of plugins on Mac OS X and that it's working to find and fix the root cause. "This is not good news for Google's reputation with Apple users," said Al Hilwa, a program director at IDC.

Source: http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632000/s/20db3f18/l/0L0Stechnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C75520A0Bhtml/story01.htm


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