Friday, February 22, 2013

PayPal Here coming to the UK with a chip reader to match (video)

PayPal Here coming to the UK with a chip reader to match video

US-born mobile payment methods like PayPal Here and Square haven't had much traction in Europe, due in no small part to the continent's frequent reliance on chip-and-PIN credit cards over North America's (slowly outgoing) magnetic stripes. PayPal is getting around that technical barrier through the most direct method possible -- replacing the reader altogether. PayPal Here's UK deployment swaps out the triangular US reader for a considerably bulkier Bluetooth peripheral that takes the newer payment method. Other elements will be familiar to anyone who's used Here on an Android or iOS device in another country, minus the obligatory changes in currency. PayPal is partnering with a handful of UK businesses before launching Here on a wider scale in the summer -- not soon enough for some, but it might save a few Brits from scrounging through their wallets just to buy some ice cream.

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Via: TechCrunch

Source: PayPal



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