Friday, September 7, 2012

Pandora Stock Dips After Reports of a Competing Apple Service

Apple is into negotiations with record labels over licensing deals that point toward a Pandora-style music service, according to The Wall Street Journal. The service would let users create virtual stations built around the sound of a particular artist or song, and the music would be interspersed with occasional iAds.

Apple’s iTunes is the world’s biggest music retailer, with a library of more than 28 million songs. A custom-radio service built on the back of iTunes and the established network of Apple hardware owners could be a huge threat to existing services like Pandora. News of Apple’s reported music service broke Thursday, and by Friday morning, Pandora’s stock had tumbled 18 percent.

One obvious question for Apple: What happens to Ping? Does the company abandon the music-central social-media service (it seems to have largely done so already), or does Ping evolve into this personalized radio service?

Image: Apple



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